• Thermodynamics of dyeing and Kinetics of dyeing • Influence of fiber structure on dyeing, effect of processes on fiber properties before dyeing and during dyeing, Solubility parameter, cohesive energy density and interaction between dyes and polymers • Application of dyes on various substrates- natural, synthetic and blends • Advances in preparatory processes, time and energy saving techniques, Combine preparatory processes, Processing of textured man-made fibers • Rapid dyeing techniques, Foam dyeing, dyeing using supercritical carbon dioxide and other advanced dyeing techniques. • Developments in dyeing machineries and dyeing defects
• Printing- Methods (block, roller, screen -flat bed, rotary, transfer, digital, flock, laser) & styles of printing • Printing with • Printing with natural dyes using block, roller, screen (flat bed and rotary screen), transfer, digital and flock • Finishing and After treatment of printing • Developments in transfer printing of natural as well as synthetic dyes, Digital printing – Inkjet printing and Xerography, Concept of continuous processing. • Developments in printing machineries and printing defects
• Dyeing and printing auxiliaries- Wetting agents, electrolytes, solvents, dispersing agents, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, cationic fixing agents, sequestering agents, retarding agents, carriers, hygroscopic agents, stabilizers and discharging agents • Thickening agents – natural, modified and synthetic • Importance of textile testing, Standard conditions of testing, standardization and quality control • Fabric Testing- Strength properties – tensile, bursting, tear and dimensional stability • Performance properties – resistance to abrasion, pilling, wrinkling and burning • Colorfastness – light, washing, dry cleaning, perspiration, saliva & ironing • Quality parameters for fabrics suitable for various end uses - apparel, household and industrial textiles
• Wastes from textile and apparel industry: Environmental impact of dyeing, printing & finishes, Indian & International environmental legislations • Harmful dyes and chemicals, Toxicology of synthetic colorants and chemicals • Environmental impact of dyeing & printing. • Health and safety requirements • Introduction to Effluent Treatments of Textile and Apparel industry • Effluent Treatment plants used in wet processing.
[1] https://fashiontextile.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/dyeing-and-printing-elective-5
[2] https://fashiontextile.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2014-15