This course will enable students to understand and known research methodology, statistical methods, errors in observation & calculations and numerical methods.
Unit I:
Unit I
Research: Meaning, definition, methodology, research process, criterion of good research
Objectives of research and role of research method in fabric and apparel science
Types of Research: Qualitative and quantitative research, historical, survey, ex post facto, field study, intervention study, experimental, case study, social research, longitudinal and cross sectional studies etc.
Research design - Meaning, concepts, need, designs for different types of research; library, laboratory and field research; advantages of designing research
Research problem and developing research proposal: Selection of research area and topic, statement of the research problem, its scope, steps involved in defining the problem. Literature Search: Reviewing related literature, referencing, abstracting, computer search, bibliography, evaluation of the problem.
Defining concepts, objectives, basic assumptions, delimitations and limitations of the problem, statement of hypothesis.
Unit II:
Unit II
Variables: Independent and dependent variables, qualitative and quantitative variables, discrete and continuous variables, confounding variables, methods of controlling variables. Measurement of variables.
Sampling: Meaning, characteristics of a good sample design, steps in sampling design, types, advantages
Techniques of data collection: Primary data; Questionnaire, schedules, interview observation & other methods. Secondary data: reliability, suitability & adequacy of data.
Processing and analysis of data: Processing operations: Editing & coding, classification and tabulation of data, elements of data analysis, role of statistics in data analysis. Statistical tables
Report writing: Types, format
Unit III:
Unit III
Introduction to statistics- Descriptive and inferential statistics
Basic principles of statistical procedures- Measurements, analysis and interpretation
Measurement and computation: quality and quantity
Scales of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Reliability, validity, specificity and sensitivity of tools
Descriptive statistics: central tendencies: mean, mode, median. Variability, range, semi-interquartile range, standard deviation and variance
Application and uses of descriptive statistics
Organization and presentation of data: coding and tabulation, frequency distribution, graphic representation: graphs diagram and charts
Characteristics of a distribution: skewness and kurtosis
Percentages and frequencies, uses and applications: percentile ranks
Unit IV:
Unit IV
Statistical tests-Probability and normal distribution: basic principles and applications of probability
Testing hypotheses, level of significance and estimations
Errors of estimation: type 1, type 2
Sampling theory, method and errors
Z scores and its uses
Unit V:
Unit V
Parametric tests of difference: T and ANOVA, post-hoc analysis of significance.
Parametric tests of association: Pearson’s r
Non- parametric tests of difference: Mann- Whitney, sign, median and Kruskal- Wallis
Non- parametric tests of association: Spearman’s r
Chi- square test
Regression and prediction
Essential Readings:
Agarwal, J.C. (1989) Educational Research – An Introduction, New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
Agrawal, B.L.,(2013) Basic statistics, New Delhi: New Age publishers.
Ahuja Ram (2006) Research Methods, Jaipur: Rawat Publication
Kothari, C.R. (1989) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Bangalore: Wiley Eastern.
Young, P.V., (1988) Scientific Social Surveys & Research, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
Best John W. and Kahn, James V. (2006) Research in Education, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
Best J.W. (1989) Research in Education, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
Bose P. K. (1995) Research Methodology, New Delhi:ICSSR
Burns R. B. (2000) Introduction to Research Methods, New Delhi; Sage publications.
Minium E.W. King, B. M. and Bear, G. (1995) Statistical Reasoning in Psychology & Education, New York, John Wiley & Sons.
Prakash S. (2006) Theory of Sampling, Xeroxa: BIMTECH.
Reddy C.R., (1987) Research Methodology in Social Sciences, New Delhi: Daya Publishing House.
Sarvavanavel P. (2003) Research Methodology, Allahabad; Kitab Mahal.
Shanlla K.R. (2002) Research Methodology, New Delhi: National Publishing House.