This course will enable the students to -
1. Provide the knowledge on dyeing and printing on different textile material.
2. Provide comprehensive knowledge about the concept of various dyeing & printing methods.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Courses |
Learning Outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
CFSD 502
Fabric Colouration (Practical)
The Students will be able to: CO. 201 Explain the fabric preparation process CO.202 Experiment with different dyes and printin CO. 203 Demonstrate skill for fabric colourations and processing CO. 204 Prepare a report of industrial printing, dyeing and finishing process. |
Approach in teaching: Demonstrations, Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Informative videos
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Design sheet preparation and fabric samples |
Assessment tasks will include Class Test, Semester end examinations, and Student presentations.
● Preparator processes 06 hrs
o Scouring of Cotton Fabric using
▪ Sodium Hydroxide
o Bleaching of Cotton fabric using
▪ Bleaching powder
▪ Hydrogen Peroxide
● Textile Dyeing 20 hrs
o Calculate the quantity of dye and reagents required for a particular quantity of materials.
o Application of dyes on various textile materials
▪ Fiber
▪ Yarn
▪ Fabric
o Shade card development using the following dyes on cotton fabric-
▪ Direct dyes
▪ Sulphur dyes
▪ Vat dyes
▪ Reactive dyes
o Fabric dyeing using the following dye techniques-
▪ Batik
▪ Ombre dip dye
▪ Painting fabric with dye- Watercolour technique
▪ Develop designs using tie and dye to produce mono &multi-colour
o Fabric printing on cotton fabric using the following techniques-
▪ Blocks with direct dyes
▪ Screen with pigment colours
▪ Stencil with reactive dyes
o Identify and collect different samples of digital printing
● After Treatment processes 06 hrs
o Process on dyed and printed fabrics-
▪ Fixation
▪ Washing
● Finishing: Application of starch using padding mangle 06 hrs
o Presentation on new development of finishes in garment industry
● Industrial Visit 08 hrs
Students are required to make a report of dyeing, printing and finishing industry-
o Industry Details
o Working Process
o Different methods used for dyeing, printing and finishing
● Product development-
Apparel product development through dyeing and printing
Examination Scheme
Continuous Assessment |
Marks Distribution (Practical Record/Submission) |
Semester End Examination |
Component |
Marks |
Component |
Marks |
Component |
Marks |
Portfolio Submission |
20 |
Preparatory processes |
05 |
Submission, Portfolio & Report |
30 |
Test |
05 |
Dyeing & Printing |
10 |
Dyeing |
15 |
Attendance |
05 |
Finishing |
05 |
Printing |
20 |
Vivavoce |
05 |
Total |
30 |
Total |
20 |
Total |
70 |
● Prayag, R.S. (1989), Technology of Textile Printing, Dharwad Karnataka Shree J Printers.
● Shenai, V.A. (1987), Chemistry of Dyes and Principles of Dyeing, Sevak Prakashan, Mumbai,.
● Shenai, V.A. (1996), Technology of Printing, Technology of Textile Processing, Vol. IV, Sevak Publications. Bombay
● Gohl & Vilensky (1980), Textile science, 2nd ed., CBS Publications, New Delhi.
● Jain Hemlatha (2010), Techniques of dyeing and printing, Anne books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
● Sekhri Seema (2011), Text Book of Fabric Science fundamentals to Finishing, PHI Learning Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi.
● Chaudhary, A. K. Roy (2006), Textile Processing and dyeing, Scienec pulications, New Delhi.
● Miles L.W.C.(1994), Textile Printing, 2nd edition, England, Society of Dyers and Colourists