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- To study origin and theories of clothing.
- To enable students learning of psychological and social aspect of clothing in social situation.
- Theories of clothing- Theory of modesty, immodesty, protection, adornment, combined need theory, other theories in fashion
- Nonverbal communication
- Clothing Symbolism: clothing symbols, sending and receiving clothing messages
- Clothing & Impressions: first four minutes, first impression, halo effect, stereotyping, perceptions
- Effects of Clothing:
- Physical Comfort
- Mood and Behavior
- Personality and self-concept
- Conformity
- Individual Values, interests and attitude
- Clothing and the age of wearer:
- Infants and children
- Adolescents
- Adult and elderly
- Psychological impact of color, Figure proportion & illusion
- Religion and culture
- Occupation
- Ceremonies and occasions
- Comfort & individuality
- Clothing & class distinction
- Clothes, roles & status
- Clothing & Physical comfort, Factors affecting body comfort
- Clothes & physical well being
Essential Readings:
- Stone, Elaine and Samples, Jean., A Fashion Merchandising, McGraw Hill Book Company,1985.
- Frings, Gini, Stephens, Fashion Concept to Consumer, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 2008.
- Marilyn, J, Horn. The Second Skin (3rd Edition), Houghton Miffin Company, London.
- Marshall , Suzanne G., Individuality in Clothing Selection and Personal Appearance, Pearson, Prentice Hall, London 2004
- Mary Kefgen, In clothing selection & personal appearance , The Macmillan, Company New York.
- Elizabeth Rouse, Understanding Fashion,, London , Blackwell Science Ltd.,1999
- Vikas Gupta, Navneet Kaur, Comdex Fashion Design Vol 2: Ensembles for Your Body Type, Dreamtech Biztantra, New Delhi, 2012
- Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, Comdex Fashion Design, Vol I, Fashion Concepts, Dreamtech Press, 2010