Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


  1. To provide exposure towards various craft and textiles.                       
  2. To explore different fibers, yarns and other unconventional material towards handcrafted garments or   accessories.                           
  3. To enhance the skill of students in designing and product development.


Unit I: 
Course Content:

                           Exploration, and Construction of samples using with different techniques using variety of material like different kinds of yarns, fibers, threads and ropes, ribbons, trimmings, paper, fabrics or any other such  material for                                                                                                       40 hrs

  • Macrame
  • Knitting
  • Crochet
  • Weaving
  • Tufting
  • Ribbon work


  1. Product Development for any two articles related to (Apparel/ Home Textiles) using one or combination of the above mentioned techniques.                                                   20 hrs


Essential Readings: 
  1. Beads, Buttons and Bows, Quantum Books Ltd.1997
  2. Celia, Eddy, Quilting basics, Sally Publishing Pvt Ltd,
  3. Denner, Linda, Creative Quilting for Home Decor, 1995.



  1. The Encyclopedia of needle crafts, Gandenton Lucinda R.
  2. Stone, Peter, The oriental rug lexicon, Thames and Hudson, 1997
  3. Jill, Blake, Cushion & Covers, Graficomo, S.A

4.Macramé Pattern Book: Includes Over 70 Knots and Small Repeat Patterns plus Projects

  1. The complete Photo Guide to Ribbon Crafts – creative publishing international

6.Anne Mathew, "Vogue Dictionary of Crochet Stitches", David and Charles, London,1989


Academic Year: