Woven Design and Structure of Fabrics (Practical)

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Max. Marks: 
  1. Analysis of different woven samples for design, repeat, draft, peg plan and other details on inch graph paper
  2. Elements of woven design: Presentation on graph paper, creating stripes, checks
  3.  Creating suitable design repeat for dobby and jacquard looms on graph paper   
  4. Setting of table loom / sample loom and weaving the following weave samples-        
  • Plain, basket, rib, satin, twill
  • Color and weave effect designs, and any other fancy weaves.
  • Fancy twills: diamonds and diaper designs
  • Miscellaneous elementary weaves: hopsack, crepe, honey comb, huck-a-back; mock leno

  5.  Elements of colour; simple colour and weave effects, construction of line effects,
       hound’s tooth pattern, bird’s eye & spot effects

Essential Readings: 
  1. Grociki, Z.J., Watsons Textiles Design and Colour, London, Newness Butter Worths,1998.
  2. Sengupta, R., Weaving Calculations, Taraporewale Sons and Co., Bombay.
  3. Corbman, B., Fibre to Fabric, 6th, McGraw Hill Book Company, USA,1983
  4. William, Watson., Advanced Textiles Design, Longmans Green and Co. Ltd., London.
  5. Nisbet, H., Grammar of Textile Design, Taraporewale Sons and Co., Bombay.
  6. Aswani, K.T., Weaving Mechanisms, Mahajan Book Distributors, Ahmedabad.
  7. Robinson and Mark., Woven Cloth Construction, Butter Worth and Co. Ltd., London.
  8. Kulkarni, M.M., Weaving Technology, Mahajan Book Distributors, Ahmedabad.
Academic Year: