Interactive session on "Awareness on Global Trends"

Name of School: School of Design

Name of the Department: Fashion & Textiles

Name of the Activity:  Awareness on Global Trends

Date: 12/10/23

Venue:  Draping Lab

No. of Participants:  34 


Objective: The interactive session on "Awareness on Global Trends" aimed to provide students of the Department of Fashion and Textiles with valuable insights into the dynamic world of international fashion trends. The session featured two distinguished speakers, Joy, an International Fashion Stylist from Global Brand, Next UK, and Mr. Steve, a renowned Freelance Designer based in the UK.


Introduction: The session commenced with a warm welcome by the department head, expressing the significance of staying updated on global trends in the fast-paced fashion industry.


Joy, International Fashion Stylist, Global Brand, Next UK:

Joy delved into the topic Evolution of fashion trends, highlighting the influences of culture, technology, and sustainability. She shared real-world examples from her experiences at Next UK, emphasizing the importance of adapting to changing consumer preferences.

Interactive Q&A: Students actively engaged with Joy through a lively Question and Answer session, seeking advice on building a successful career in international fashion styling. Joy's practical insights and anecdotes resonated well with the aspiring fashion enthusiasts.


Mr. Steve, Freelance Designer from the UK:

Bridging Tradition and Innovation in Design Mr. Steve brought a unique perspective, focusing on the balance between traditional craftsmanship and innovative design in the global context. He showcased his diverse portfolio, demonstrating how he integrates cultural elements into his freelance projects.

The session included a hands-on workshop where Mr. Steve guided students in creating design concepts that blend tradition and innovation. This practical exercise provided students with a tangible understanding of the discussed concepts.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Fashion Industry Joy and Mr. Steve participated in a thought-provoking discussion moderated by a faculty member. The discussion covered challenges such as sustainability, ethical practices, and the role of technology in shaping the future of fashion.

Following the formal presentations, students had the opportunity to network with the speakers, allowing for personalized discussions and the exchange of contact information for potential mentorship opportunities.

Conclusion: The interactive session on "Awareness on Global Trends" proved to be a valuable learning experience for the students of the Department of Fashion and Textiles. The insights shared by Joy and Mr. Steve, along with the interactive elements, provided a comprehensive understanding of the global dynamics in the fashion industry. The event successfully fostered a bridge between academia and industry, empowering students to navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving world of fashion.

The Department of Fashion and Textiles expresses its gratitude to Joy and Mr. Steve for their valuable contributions and looks forward to organizing more such insightful sessions in the future.


Dr. Sulekha Ojha Teacher Coordinator

Head, Department of Fashion and Textiles  Ms. Harshita Bhown