Name of the Department: Fashion & Textiles
Name of the Event/Activity/Workshop/Seminar: Guest Lecture
Date: 5/06/2021
Venue: Online Portal: Microsoft Team
Topic on which activity was organized: Fashion Styling
No. of Participants: 27
Objective of the activity (workshop/seminar/activity/Visit): To enable students to understand the Skills and techniques of Fashion Styling and its application according to the client.
The Department of Fashion and Textiles organized a Guest Lecture on 5th June, 2021 for the students of BSc. Fashion Design Semester II from 11:00 AM to 12:00PM on “Fashion Styling” on Microsoft teams. The guest lecture was delivered by Ms. Shivangini Rathore. The guest speaker Ms. Shivangini Rathore has her own label named as STUDIO MALANG, The lecture was attended by 27 students of Fashion and Textile Department.
She enlightened the students about fashion styling. Fashion styling which is mainly about how to create the complete look according to the theme, event, one’s personal style, ongoing trends etc. She highlighted that in fashion styling, one must know skills such as photography, video making, editing and make-up in creating an environment for styling.
She also emphasized that while designing or styling for an individual, so many things should be kept considered i.e., Firstly the person from whom you are designing/styling, secondly shapes, styles, colors and moods for that particular type of design, including all requirements and limitations that are necessary to make it comfortable and functional. According to her fashion is no longer within the bounds of clothing and dressing. It's not fair to tell a customer that this particular style won't suit you, but instead give them options to choose and explore their style. Inspiration for design can come from almost anywhere, at any time. It not only depends on the inspiration, but also the emotion you have with the inspiration.
As per the feedback received from the participants it was an interactive and great learning experience for them as the lecture helped them in their understanding the Role of Styling and Its Importance.
Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop: The lecture was very fruitful for the students, as they learnt a technique and styling apparels, which can be used to create different look and enhance the personality of wearer.
Prof. Radha Kashyap Dr. Sulekha Ojha Department of Fashion & Textiles Teacher Co-ordinator