- Calendring- treatment and types, Sanforizing, compacting, heat setting, brusing, embossing, moiering and schreinerising
- Mercerization, parchmentisation, chlorination, silicone finish and permanent setting wools
· Special purpose finishes- water proof, water repellent, flame retardant, flame proof
Antistatic, stain and soil resistant, moth proofing, softening finish, absorbent finish and shrinkage control, denim finish, stone wash, antipilling, fragrance finish, rubbery finish, UV protection, stain guard.
. MarshJ.T., An Introduction to Textile Finishing, B.I. Publications, Mumbai
2. Marsh J.T., Textile Science, B.I Publications, Mumbai.
3. Shenai V.A., Technology of Textile finishing, Sevak Publications, Mumbai.
1. Gaur.J, Textiles & Laundry, Research publications, New Delhi. 2. Kadolph.J.S & Langford.L.A., Textiles,VIII ed.,1998,Prentice Hall, New Jer