Report on “T-shirt Refashioning”


Report on “T-shirt Refashioning”


Date: 6th October 2017

Activity: T-shirt refashioning

                  Venue: Clothing lab


The Department of Fashion and Textiles organized a demonstration on T-shirt refashion using sharpie pens to create tie-dye effects for the students of COSD Fashion Designing by Ms Radhika Agarwal, B.Sc Fashion Design, The IIS University

Ms. Radhika Agarwal demonstrated step by step process for creating tie-dye effects using unconventional techniques. She used sharpie pens and a rubbing alcohol solution to create desired effects. She stated the various design effects and products that can be created using the technique. She started the demonstration by placing a cardboard in between the layers of the t-shirt and applying the marker in circular dots to create a pattern. She illustrated the variety of colors that are available and can be used to create interesting and unique patterns. She used a rubbing alchohol solution to spread the artwork to create tie-dye design effects.        


Ms Radhika Agarwal explained how everyday objects can be used to change an otherwise boring and outworn garment into a new, colorful and bright outerwear which showcases ones creativity and looks good at the same time. The students enjoyed the session and were inspired to create design effects on their old and out garments and other accessories to make their wardrobe more interesting


Dr. Radha Kashyap                                      Teacher co-coordinator:

Head, Dept. of Fashion & Textiles                  Ms. Monika Agarwal  &

                                                                        Ms. Aditi Singh