Design: An Introduction
Elements of Design: Types and its Application
Colour :
Principles of Design: Types and its Application
Silhouettes and Wardrobe planning:
1. Sumathi, G.J. “Elements of Fashion and Apparel Design” New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Kathryn McKelvey “Fashion Source Book” Balckwell Publishing New Delhi.
3. Frings, G., Fashion from concept to consumers, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 1991.
4. Lyle, Dorothy S., Contemporary Clothing, Benette & Mc night Publishing Co. Peoria Illinois, 1983S.
5. Felsted C.J., Design Fundamentals., Pitman publishing Corporation, new York, London.
1. Jane Mills and Janet K.Smith , Design Concepts, Fairchild Publications, New York
2. Judith Rasband ,Wardrobe strategies for women, Delmar publishers, London.
3. Castelino, M., Fashion Kalediscope Rup & Co., Calcutta. 1994.
4. Burn, Leslie Davis., The Business of Fashion, Fairchild Publications, New York, 2006.
5. Waddell Gavin, How Fashion Works , Black Well Science Publishing ,India, 2005.