Paper Code: 
GGPM 301 (Generic Elective Course)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. Develop student’s awareness, understanding and knowledge in:
  2. Enable the students to become aware of environmental concerns and ethical and sustainable practices related to fashion.
  3. Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.
  4. Categorize various designers and brands working towards sustainable fashion
  5. Recognize Ethical and Sustainable Fashion.


Course Outcomes (Cos):



Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title


GGPM 301




The students will be able to:

CO37.Identify Ethical and Sustainable Fashion

CO38.Differentiate the environment issues in fashion.

CO39.Apply environmental laws and regulations in the fashion industry.

CO40.Compare and analyze various designers and brands working towards sustainable fashion.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Power Point Presentations, Informative videos

Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips


Assessment tasks will include Class Test on the topics, Semester end examinations, /Quiz, Student presentations, and assignments





Unit I: 
Sustainable fashion
  • Terminologies: Sustainable Fashion, Circular Fashion, Fast Fashion, Slow Fashion, Vintage Fashion, Eco-fashion, Eco fashion brands, Flea Market, Second- Hand Clothing.
  • Garment life cycle analysis
  • Sustainable Development Goals 17


Unit II: 
Ecological Sensitivity
  • Introduction to Handlooms
  • Eco fibers : Linen, Bamboo, Ramie, Hemp, Lyocell and Organic Cotton
  • Textile Recycling: 6 Rs – Rethink, Reduce, Rewear, Recycle, Repair and Resell
  • Supporting local artisans


Unit III: 
Environmental issues in fashion
  • Impact of fashion industry on environmental
  • Animal exploitation in fashion industry
  • Waste generation and its control in fabric manufacturing
  • Textile waste management


Unit IV: 
Environmental laws and regulations
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ethical Fashion Forum, Fair Trade Certification, Green Product Certification, Ecolabels
  • Standard and certification: GOTS, Global Recycle standard, Responsible wool standard, Fair Trade.


Unit V: 
Designers contribution for sustainability
  • International Designers -Mark Morris, Andrew Sorensen, Elena Gracia, Christy Dawn, Mara Hoffman
  • National Designers- Anita Dongre, Samant Chouhan, Swati Argade, Rajesh Pratap Singh, Aneeth Arora


Essential Readings: 

Suggested Text Books:

  • Hethorn.J. & Ulasewicz.C. (2008), Sustainable fashion: Why Now? A Conversation about Issues, Practices and Possibilities, New York Fairchild Books; 1 edition.
  • Beack (2012), The Sustainable Fashion Handbook, London Thames & Hundson

Suggested Reference Books:

  • Sherin. A. (2013), Sustainable Thinking: Ethical Approaches to Design and Design Management, Fairchild Books; 1 edition
  • Maharpratra. N.N. (2015), Textiles and Environment, Woodhead Publishing India, New Delhi


Reference Journals:


Academic Year: