Report on Orientation for Garment Production and Export Management

Department of Fashion & Textiles

Report on Orientation for

Garment Production and Export Management


Activity: Orientation Programme for GPEM-Sem I

Venue:   A-502

Date: 22th July 2019


Department of Fashion & Textiles organized an orientation programme exclusively for the student of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Garment Production and Export Management Sem I on 22th July 2019.The objective was to orient the students regarding the course structure with focus on credit system, examination scheme, course content and its importance.

Dr. Vipin Kumari, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Fashion & Textiles, took the orientation of the students. She briefed about the examination system with reference to Continuous Assessment (C.A.) and Semester End Examination (SEE). Information regarding activities conducted in the Department, infrastructure, metacampus, departmental library and faculty profile was also briefed to the students. Ms. Aditi Singh concerned subject teacher, also gave brief about their subjects and work/assignments that will be taken up over the semester.

There were four students of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Garment Production and Export Management semester-I. In the end there was question answer session and students filled in the feedback form.


Dr. Radha Kashyap                                                  Dr. Vipin Kumari

Head, Dept of Fashion & Textiles                             Teacher Coordinator