To understand the physical and chemical structures of different textil Polymers.
The course will help in predicting performance of textiles.
1.Corbman, P.B.,Textiles - Fiber to Fabric, Gregg Division/McGraw Hill Book Co.USA,1985
2. Joseph, M.L., Essential of Textiles (5th edition) Holf, Rinecharts and Winston Publication, Florida 1988.
3. Sundaram, Fibre Science and Technology, New Age International, India 2000
4. Tortora, G. Phyllis., Understanding Textiles, (V Edition), Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 1992
1. Gioello, Debbie Ann., Understanding fabrics from fibers to finished clothes, Fairchild Publication, New York 2002.
2. Gohl E.G. and Vilensky, Textile Science, C.B.S. Publishers New Delhi, 1987.
3. Humphries, Fabric Reference,3rd Edition, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 2000
4. Vidyasagar, P.V. Handbook of Textiles, Mittal publication, New Delhi, 1998