Elements of Design (Theory)

Paper Code: 
CFSD 101
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to -

1.      Provide a sound foundation for design work based on creativity and knowledge.

2.      Develop and initialize a design vocabulary as an essential tool for practicing as designers.

3.      Create aesthetic sense about designing in apparels.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies




Course Title

CFSD 101


Elements of Design (Theory)


The Students will be able to:


CO.1        Interpret the concept design and design process.

CO.2        Utilize and apply the elements of design in apparel.

CO.3        Recognize the functions and application of colours.

CO.4        Familiarize with the concept of Principles of design.

CO.5        Accepting the concept of repeats and layouts

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, PowerPoint Presentations, Informative videos

Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips

Assessment tasks will include Class Test on the topics, Semester end examinations, /Quiz, Student presentations and assignments.



Unit I: 
Design: An Introduction

●        Definition, Concept of Design

●        Structural and Decorative Designs

●        Design process 

Unit II: 
Elements of Design: Types and its Application

●        Line

●        Shape & Form

●        Texture 

Unit III: 

●        Characteristics of Colour: hue, value and intensity

●        Colour Theories

●        Colour Harmony and Colour Schemes

●        Psychology of Colour and its application on apparel

Unit IV: 
Principles of Design: Application in Apparel

●        Balance

●        Proportion        

●        Rhythm 

●        Emphasis

●        Harmony

●        Application of Principles of Design in Apparel

Unit V: 
Understanding Repeat’s and Layouts

●        Motifs and its types

●        Repeats: Unit, Half drop, Brick, All over, Ogee, One-way, Two-way, Diamond 

●        Layouts of design to form a pattern:  Border, corner, center, Free flowing, Stripes and checks

Essential Readings: 

●        Sumathi, G.J. (2002) “Elements of Fashion and Apparel Design” New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.

●        Marshall, Suzanne G. (2004) Individuality in Clothing Selection and Personal Appearance, Pearson, Prentice Hall, London.

●        Gupta Vikas, Navneet Kaur. (2012) Comdex Fashion Design Vol 2: Ensembles for Your Body Type, Dreamtech Biztantra, New Delhi

●        Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. (2010) Comdex Fashion Design, Vol I, Fashion Concepts, Dreamtech Press.

●        Betala Reeta, Design (2006) Comprehension and Visualization, Ane books, New Delhi.

●        Frings, G. (1991), Fashion from concept to consumers, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey.

●        Jane Mills and Janet K.Smith (1996), Design Concepts, Fairchild Publications, New York,.

●        Castelino, M., (1994) Fashion Kalediscope Rup & Co., Calcutta.

●        Waddell Gavin. (2005) How Fashion Works, Black Well Science Publishing, India,.

Academic Year: