Paper Code: 
DGPM 601 A
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To create an awareness for the types of garments machinery available in the industry.
  2. To develop an understanding about the selection of the right machinery for production of the required garment.
  3. To understand the functions of various types of machinery available in the garment industry.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning Outcome (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

DGPM 601 A



The students will be able to

CO80.Identify methods of spreading techniques adopted by marker efficiency.

CO81.Recall knowledge related to processes before, during and after production

CO82.Familiarize with various machines, tools and equipment used in garment industry

CO83.Identify the process for fusing, pressing and packaging.

Approach in teaching: Interactive lecture, Discussion, Demonstration, Powerpoint presentations, Relevant videos.

Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Group discussion, Quiz, Topic presentation

Assignments ,Class test, Semester end examinations


Unit I: 
Apparel Production


  • Definition, fundamentals, basic types of process, Pattern making, Drafting, Draping, Grading & Marker planning, Marker Efficiency, Factors affecting marker efficiency. Marker duplicating methods, Computer aided marker making. Spreading: Introduction, Requirements of the process, and Methods of spreading- Spreading quality specification, Equipments and tools.


Unit II: 
Fabric cutting
  • Objective, method, Cutting equipment and tool analysis- Fabric cutting machineries- Vertical reciprocity cutting machine - rotary cutting machine- band knife cutting machine- die-cutting machine - clickers & pressers - cutting drills- laser cutting, plasma cutting - water jet cutting - ultrasonic cutting-cutting method analysis- computerized cutting machine, shade ticketing 
Unit III: 
Stitching operations with its specialized machines
  • Seam types: classification
  • Stitch types: classification
  • Sewing machine needles and threads
  • Sewing machines: single lock machines, buttonhole & buttoning machine, bartacking
  • Attaching Buttons: Marking & Sewing
  • Finishing: Spotting, thread cutting, washing and ironing


Unit IV: 
Fusing and Pressing
  • Fusing equipment, methods of fusing. Pressing- Introduction, means of pressing, pressing equipment and methods: iron, steam press, steam air finisher, steam tunnel, pleating, permanent press.


Unit V: 
  • Packaging, types of packaging, method and equipment, Packaging Shipping & Merchandising Packaging, Packaging Tags & Fasteners
Essential Readings: 

Suggested Text Books:

  • Gerry Cooklin (2011), Garment Technology for Fashion Designers, II edition England Jojn Wiley & Sons Limited.
  • Gerry Cooklin (2005), Introduction to Clothing Manufacture –Blackwell Science, New Delhi.
  • Ruth E.Glock (2009) ,Apparel Manufacturing-Sewn Product Analysis ,II Edition,Pearson Prentice Hall London.
  • Glock, R.E. and Grace I. Kunz. (2005). Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis. IV  edition  U.S.A.: Pearson Prentice Hall London.
  • Rathinamoorthy. R & Sujit. R. (2015), Apparel Machinery and Equipments, Ist Edition, New Delhi, Woodhead publishing.

Suggested Text Books:

  • Mehta P.. (1992), An Introduction to quality control for the apparel industry, New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.
  • Bheda, R (2003). Managing Productivity in the Apparel Industry. New Delhi: CBS publishers and Distributors.
  • Giocello, D.A. and B. Prerke (2004), Fashion Production Terms. New York Fairchild Publication.
  • Care, H. and B.Latham (2004), The Technology of clothing Manufacture United Kingdom: Blackwell Science Limited.
  • Chaire Shaeffer (2000), Sewing for the Apparel Industry, Prentice Hall New Jersey.

E- Resources:


Reference Journals:

Academic Year: