Name of the Department: Fashion & Textiles
Name of the Event/Activity/Workshop/Seminar: Workshop
Date: 26/11/2020
Venue: Online Portal: Microsoft Team
Topic on which activity was organized: Origami Art
No. of Participants: 22
Objective of the activity (workshop/seminar/activity/Visit): To enable students to understand the techniques of origami and its application.
Description (max 500 words):
The Department of Fashion and Textiles of IIS (deemed to be UNIVERSITY) organized an Origami Art workshop for students of IIIrd semester of BSc. Fashion design. The workshop was headed by Ms. Aksha Agarwal, who is an alumni of IIS university and runs her own Design Studio- Silhouette.
She demonstrated the art of paper folding, which is often associated with Japanese culture transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished product through various folding techniques. She also explained that the small number of basic origami folds can be combined and manipulated in a variety of ways to make intricate designs and 3-D Models. She demonstrated the technique with help of simple diagrams to folds and explained its application i.e. tent folds, pleats fold, reverse folds and square folds. The students used various types of papers to create different types of fold through origami and transformed a two dimensional sheet to a three dimensional structure through the art of folding paper. The students learnt the process of various basic folding techniques with paper, by which they could create some intricate origami product i.e. Christmas tree, umbrella, boxes, flower and fancy accessories like earrings, hairbands etc.
It was an interactive and great learning experience for the students as they learnt the new art of paper folding which they can incorporate in their designing. This workshop was beneficial and fruitful to the students as they can use different origami techniques on fabric and create product for surface ornamentation.
Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop: The workshop was very fruitful for the students, as they learnt a technique of origami, which can be used to create patterns, and textures that can be applied to apparel and soft furnishings.
Prof. Radha Kashyap Dr. Sulekha Ojha
Head, Department of Fashion & Textiles Teacher Co-ordinator